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OniKiriMaru -Ebb and Flow of the

21 ноября 2011. Разместил: STRANNICK NVIDIA
[H-GAME] OniKiriMaru -Ebb and Flow of the Dancing Butterfly Demon-

OniKiriMaru -Ebb and Flow of the

Release : Nov/19/2011

OniKiriMaru -Ebb and Flow of the OniKiriMaru -Ebb and Flow of the OniKiriMaru -Ebb and Flow of the

The forest.
One bright afternoon a young girl takes a walk.
She is pleasant to look at, beautiful in kimono and nice hair and makeup.
"Little girl..."
Somewhere, a voice calls to her.
"Hey little girl."
There's no one around.
She's alone. Not even a beast or bird has been seen.
"I am the Butterfly. Remember me now."
The strange voice sends a chill up her spine and down the length of her sword.
The sword that was once a demon, transformed by a promise she made.
The sword called OniKiriMaru.

As the forest closes around her, the girl has no choice... but to face the dance...

Size: 404 Mb

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